Green Knight & Lance

Real Names: Denis Knight & Lance Cooper
First Appearance: Dynamic Comics #2 (1941)
Original Publisher: Harry A. Chesler/Dynamic
Created by: Al Plastino


Denis Knight was a wealthy American sportsman who inspired by the chivalrous knight of the past becomes the Green Knight. In this identity, Denis becomes a defender of the defenseless and keeper of justice.

While patrolling the Everglades, Denis discovers a young boy has been kidnapped by a blood thirsty Vampire and his hulking minion. After saving the young boy, Lance Cooper, from the monsters, Green Knight adopts him as his crime fighting partner Lance. Together they prevent the vampire from drinking the blood a of a damsel in distress named Dale who foolishly ignored her friends warnings and wandered into the everglades.

Powers and Abilities:

Green Knight had no powers but he was skilled with a bow/arrow and a sword. He was also capable at hand to hand combat.

Public Domain Appearances:

Bulls Eye Comics #11
Dynamic Comics #2-3
Kayo Comics #12

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